Thursday, August 04, 2005

first day of school

yesterday was my niece's first day of second grade...i can not believe that she is that old already, i remember her starting kindergarten and i think yesterday i actually turned up pictures of my first visit with her!

last night i talked to her on the phone and she was so excited about the day. about the new people she met and the old people that were there and her new teacher. her school is being remodeled, so they are in portables at the high school....crazy combination of little kids and high schoolers, but there were assurance made that the two species would never intermingle.

her only trying moment of the day was when she went to leave. i guess they file all the little kids into the cafeteria and then try to disperse them onto their after school care busses. my niece was confused- imagine a sea of elementary schoolers crammed in a room with no order, no instructions and their little mouths jabber, jabber, jabbering.......

my niece said it was loud, crowded and she did not know what to do and to that i asked her how she found her way to her bus.....she calmly stated that she found a teacher and asked.

it gives me hope that she has a good head on her shoulders...she didn't know how to find her way, so she actually kept calm and found someone that did...second grade ingenuity, don't you wish we all had that sometimes


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