long lost quote #3
and my final installment of random quotes for the evening.
after losing my dad ken (step father), my mom and sisters adopted the idea and the explanation that my niece and nephew could always see their grandfather and know that he was watching over them when they looked to the moon. this seemed to be something that settled the kids need to have something to focus their thoughts on and it helped all of us continue to believe that someone we had lost too early in life could still be with us in one way or another.
the final piece of paper that i came across today was from my mom. she sent me a card after my dad mel passed away (2 years ago next week).
"those we have loved and cherished,
those who have changed our lives in some small or profound way
are closer than we know,
because it is their light that shines on our world.
it is the brilliance of their souls that makes our night sky glow."
my mom wrote in "the moon"
having lost 2 fathers in a matter of years, i find it comforting to keep this thought in mind. and as it brought tears to my eyes to read this card again today, it also made me think that the moon is almost always there to light the way down a dark evening path.
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