Monday, August 01, 2005

hopeless romantic comedy junkie

this evening was an evening for romantic comedies.

i am not sure why, but this afternoon as i passed my video store, i could not help but make the turn into the parking lot thinking that i must find a romantic comedy to watch tonight.

so before leaving the store i managed to pick up maybe a few too many romantic comedies. my video list looks like a pathetic attempt to overdose on those girly movies that the movie makers know we love....

I rented ....
Hitch (and loved it)
Friday Night Lights (ok, not a romantic comedy, but research for the commercial shoot in ohio)

I bought (sad but true) some previously viewed dvds (ready for the overdose)......
Bridget Jones (the second one)
Little Black Book (please don't laugh)
Spanglish (the best adam sandler movie since punch drunk love and maybe not your typical romantic comedy)

this might all be to balance the last film i watched ...the sea inside...i won't give it away, but a truly sad love story about the life that each of us have to live.

whatever the reason, it does the heart some good to have a good laugh and a false sense of reality in the dating realm brought to us by the hollywood studios.


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