news vs. no news i was having a conversation with a friend and realized that there are people in this world who would prefer not to watch the evening news, or any news for that matter.
i was shocked and amazed as i am a news fan myself and never really contemplated that there is a whole section of society that would do anything to avoid watching something that i need to see atleast every morning or evening.
the point of view of the non-news watcher was that it simply made them feel helpless. there were all these things happening in the world that they had no control over and there was very little they could do to help.
to this i thought...oh my god, am i a terrible voyeur? or just someone that buys into the camp of "knowledge is power".
if i do not watch the news, i feel disconnected to the world around me....on the other hand my non news watching friend mentioned that she feels disconnected if she watches the news.
i am sure that there is some deep physcological meaning behind all of this business....which i will not bother to dwell on as we are what we or no news
p.s.....side note on NEWS..a trivia fact that i have not really checked out, but thought it sounded interesting...did you know that the word NEWS was derived from the points on a compass, meaning they needed a title for a program that covered all areas and some brilliant person thought North, East, West, South......true or false...sounds pretty cool either way