Tuesday, June 28, 2005


today was the official wrap of the film that i have been working on. yes, we are done shooting and there is to be a great party tonight, but at this moment i can feel the onset of what i seem to experience after every creative process....the withdrawal period.

yes, i know that makes it seem like i am trying to kick a drug or smoking habit but that is the best way that i can think of how to explain what in the next few days will be the underlying sadness that comes with the realization that this project is moving out of my life.

imagine working on something since february, yes i am not kidding...i have been working with the director and director of photography since february to get this film underway. we have spent that last 18 days shooting with an average of 15 hours together during the day. we work together, we eat together, we drink together, and then with the final shot done we each go our separate ways for the next hit of work.

where i find the work incredibly rewarding and i love the highs of it all, i have to say that this is my least favorite part. these people that have been your living breathing life for the better half of a month are now not part of your physical everyday routine. sure you can call, go have drinks, go to the movies----but secretly i wish that i could just have a few days off and then start working with them all again.

the saving grace is that i know that i will see them all again. i have yet to be on a film shoot where i was not working with someone that i had worked with before. so knowing that makes it a little easier.

so as i drift off to sleep and then awake to prepare for the party this evening, i do it with a lot of satisfaction of a job well done but also that little tug at my heart knowing that tomorrow will be the beginning of a new cycle.


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