bar room etiquette
fortunately for the entire film crew, there is a very nice bar at the end of the street that we are shooting on. we are lucky for the beer, but also lucky because they let us use their bathroom.
while waiting in the not so long line for the restroom (only 4 girls total on the shoot compared to the 15 guys!) i watched the various activities of the couples in the bar and came to this interesting observation...
did you ever notice that men are more than willing to go to the bar to order the drinks for their dates. did you ever ponder why?
possible reasons (in the order of likelyhood of being true)
#1 the boyfriend, potential boyfriend or date does not want the girlfriend, potential girlfrend or date having the perfect social chance to meet another man in the midst of their date. being that most bartenders are cute and have some sort of personality, having the girl order the drink has the potential of being disasterous...especially in a blind date situation.
#2 by being the one that orders the drinks, the guy can make sure the he is laying the ground work for a potential night of drunken "tada" (aka sex)
#3 or with the benefit of doubt that not all men are out for themselves, they might actually be polite and really want to be the gentleman.
i am sure that these are not the only reasons, but they all seemed like pretty good first impressions. and what is most important to remember is that i am not passing judgement on men for this traditional act in the world of dating, simple making an observation in the brief time that it takes to wait in line for the restroom.
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