Monday, May 23, 2005

oh what a quote

not to long ago, i was given a present from a dear friend. the present was a piece of art work that had the following words of wisdom incorporated:

" some people come into our lives and quickly go- some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never the same"

it is this quote that makes me think of the grauman's chinese theatre in LA, the one with the footprints in the cement.

concrete proof that they were here! is this permanence what we are searching for; some memory or fame of who we are. there are movie stars that will live forever on the screen, there are writers that will always have the printed work...but for those who are not writers or actors this quote could be the answer to a permanent mark on life....we are who we touch and influence, and that might be the most important parts of all of our lives.

so here's my thanks to all those passerbys and for those that left the footprints. you will never know how you change a life, but know that you have.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You constantly change a person's life by touching them. Not neccessarily sexually, but by thought or deed. Everyone comes into your life for a reason. In the past week I have had four different people seek me out to thank me for being apart of their life. These are people who I have not had contact with for several years.Whether it is for you or because of something you are to give them, the contact is meant to happen.

10:48 PM  

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