Monday, May 23, 2005

new 5 am ritual

so i am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but my faithful furry companion has a new waking hour that is in time with a rooster...yes, if it is just before dawn, he is at the side of my bed making short, patient little ruffs....ruffs...ruffs. the morning call for the outside walk.

i try to ignore it but before long, the constant ruff, ruff, ruff is more annoying then my snooze alarm ring that has been known to wake the neighbors.

so, i roll out of bed, make my way to the front door, grab the leash and we are out in the wee morning hours. walking in the hazy blue of the early morning and the cold wet morning dew making its way through to my once bed warmed toes....burrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

but the furry friend is happy and i have had the chance to see the morning light, see the fog rise from the trees, and hear the little birds. then i crawl back into bed to await the real alarm clock that i will inevitably hit the snooze button on for atleast an hour.


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