Sunday, May 22, 2005

wandering wondering thoughts debut

driving in my car the other day, i was struck by the beauty of an awesome combination of an afternoon rainstorm and the evening sunset. for those of us who remember those science classes in middle school, you know that the end result of these two feats of nature is the rainbow, in this case, a double rainbow.

as a drove a further along, i realized how close i was to the end of the rainbow and that old wives tale or kids story came to mind...something about "finding gold at the end of the rainbow"....

needless to say the more i drove the more i realized that it is physically maybe even scientifically impossible to actually get to the end rainbow. no matter how fast i drove, the end of the rainbow continued to be just beyond my reach.

as i thought about that childhood promise of the gold at the end of this natural phenomenon i wondered what that story actually meant. there is something to be said for searching for the end of a rainbow. i think it is the search that is the important part of that story. the search is what gives us the gold, which as i think about it now, has nothing to do with money, but with the riches of leading a life and making choices.

as the summer starts and the rainstorms come in, my hope is that people continue to search for that gold at the end of every rainbow.


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