driftwood art
for years i have been fascinated with the random driftwood sculptures that appear along the west side highway in new york. they start around 125th street and seem to be spaced at random intervals until the the mid 70s....
...until today i always wondered who was the mastermind behind these varying piles of sticks, rocks and rope precariously balanced along the banks of the river......but this afternoon, as i drove down the highway i glanced over in time to see a silver haired man with a nice tan , black faded jeans and a burnt umber shirt walk over and add a piece to a sculpture.....
....dumbfounded that i had seen what i never thought i would see, i preceded to almost miss my exit - as i thought about who this man was, if he was really the creator of these natural beauties or was he just someone that felt compelled to add to someone else's genius.....
never will i know- for now i will wonder if i will ever see the mystery man again and maybe next time i will take to time to stop and be witness to the birth of a new artistic landmark that i has become a part of my new york commute....
for more info....check a story in ny times from 2005
INK, Driftwood as Art, by an unseen Hand
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