Friday, March 17, 2006

little bird biking

yet another odd site....

the other day as i was out driving around town, i was waiting at a stop light-looking around to see what there was to see.....when out my passenger window i saw a bird taking advantage of an unusual means of travel (for a bird anyway)

the bird, a beautiful blue macaw- with all its bright colors was perfectly perched on the shoulder of a bicycle riding woman dressed in all white. the two were an interesting pair to say the least and the bird seemed to be quite content to not use his/her wings and have the unfeathered friend do all the work......

i wonder if a parrot on a bicyclist's shoulder is the equivalent of a dog sticking its head out a car window?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

little dog walking

odd sight # 333009876

today as i was driving home from my new, not so fun job....i saw a little yorkie dog walking down the sidewalk, as if on a nice afternoon stroll by him/her self...

my first fear, is that the little toto twin can not find home, but never fear.....

as i look just 4 feet behind the grand prancing little pooch there was a slow laboring golf cart chugging along with a white haired woman at the wheel and her husband in the passenger seat. two content florida retirees who seemed to not have a care in the world as they puttered along.

the cart manuvered slowly down a path that i can only imagine is the daily afternoon walking route for the canine and his companions. the little dog parading in front as if the next float in line was the grand marshal's car.....and as we crossed path- i driving toward the sunset and they trotting and glidding in the other direction, i thought to myself.....

i wonder who is walking who?

Friday, March 03, 2006


today i was told that i did not look 30, and not in the bad way-meaning that i looked ages over 30, but in the good way- meaning that the commenter would have never guessed that to be my age.

it brought me to the question- "what does 30 look like?"

i always imagined 30 as

-the point where you stop wishing that you could wear jeans and sneakers to work everyday and enjoyed wearing "grown up clothes"....not there yet

-the point where you might be married and thinking about kids...not there yet

-the point where you were secure in a job field, probably settled in a career path...well i have found the path but am nowhere near settled

-the point where you might own your own home- still deciding which state i want to live in

-the point where you really started to know who you are-i think i am getting there

-the point where you realize that it may have taken you 30 years to get to where you are right now and hopefully you have 30+ more to enjoy it - definitely getting there

but in the end, now that i am 30 and i still feel as if i am somehow still at a college age in spirit, i guess there is no definitive answer to my question

.....i think the answer lies with in the person observing you, what do they think 30 looks like and do you fit into their list of expectations