Wednesday, August 24, 2005

tag of the meme

so my fellow blogging buddy at the juneaujournal has officially tagged me with my first blogsite in my search for reasons of not to got to bed are my answers

1. 3 stupidest things i have done in my life
-told a would be mugger that "NO, i will not give you my car keys-this is the only way i have to get to work"...yes even the DC police thought i was a moron for that one...but no one got hurt and i still have my car!
-letting my mom leave her coffee on the dash board of the car as i first learned how to drive stick shift....but no one got hurt, however my car interior never smelled the same again and my mom did not make the same mistake with my other sister's driving lessons
-realizing that the lord's prayer in the catholic church is much shorter than the lord's prayer in the episcopal church and having this realization during my sister, marlane's wedding which i was the ONLY ONE in the church to continue on with "and lead us not into temptation...."(this might be more of an embarrasing moment rather than stupid, but at 13 i felt pretty stupid) this moment in my life, who has influenced me the most i am really focused on career right now, i would have to say a fellow production designer of mine - yeah, chao you know who you are! she has been a great source of friendship, inspiration and is the person that dragged me into this career with my first film job!

3.if it was possible to pick any five people in the history of time to dine with who would it be
-john conklin (theatre designer extrodinaire)
-harriet beecher stowe
-chief joseph, nez perces
-george washington
-christopher columbus

however this is a close tie to having all my far away friends in a room together-
sarah, joy, binky, joanna, michelle (the five friends that have known me the longest)

4. if i had three wishes that were not supernatural, what would they be
-pay off all debts is my top one too ...probably would be for anyone that attended grad school or likes buying shoes as much as i do
-find a way to stop the abuse and killing of men, women and children in northern uganda(check out recent msnbc story if you are interested in see what terrible things are happening there....children as young as 10 being forced into militia service and subjected to killing their own parents-haunting and hateful that something like this is happening in the world)
-the means to travel the world and experience cultures for myself

5.what are two things that i regret that my hometown does not have and what are two things that unsuspecting visitors should avoid?

the missing essentials:
-we have NO department store for 30-40 target, no walmart, no kmart...i have to drive a 1/2 hour to find somewhere to buy underwear!
-we have no beach...being a florida girl, i have to say this is something that i never thought that i would miss, but i do

things to avoid:
-main street during the first week of school.... this is a college town and the main road that goes through town is jammed with moving trucks and cars packed to the brim with incoming/returning students by day and by night this same street is packed with drunken students playing with their first taste of freedom and a little too much alcohol.....and where there is drinking there is the side effects of too much drinking, aka lots of puke!
-the random deer, skunks,possums, and other random wildlife that want to inhabit the road at the same time that you want to be travelling down the road. there is nothing worse than the smell of a freshly squished skunk or a freshly crumpled car after a deer encounter!

6. one event that changed my life
i would have to say at this point, it would have to be grad school...a three year event that introduced to me a whole new way of thinking, indoctrinated me into the life of living in a BIG city and helped me cement a career foundation that the rest of my working life will be based on.

also my future move to LA could be considered the next event that will change my life.

it's's through and in return for you having to read about me me me....i promise not to tag you you you.....but if you care to comment on any of these questions i would love to read what you have to know my stupidest moments, shouldn't i know yours!


Blogger joanna said...

Hey! Right back atcha. I hope we do get to dine together soon.

7:22 PM  

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