Tuesday, September 12, 2006

3 for 25 cents

i guess you can rack it up to inflation.....

today, while doing a little grocery shopping i came had a little nostaglia moment in the frozen food aisle....

there in the center of the aisle was the brach's candy stand (why with the frozen foods, i am not sure)....the one i remember fondly as a kid, because if you were good in the store, mom would give you a nickle to put in the little locked change box and you could take A candy.

i always was fascinated by this awesome example of human trust....candy bins filled with colorful sweet treats that could easily be pocketted without dropping even a penny in the lock box and this i remember from like age 4....

so as i ventured around to the front of the bins to see if the lock box was still there....if there was still trust in the honor system and i be damned if i saw that box with a bright gold baby lock cocked off to one side...waiting for a some coinage in example for some cellophane wrapped goodness.....

however the sign now read 3 for 25 cents ....not one piece for 5 cents....

ah well....i guess there is still belief that the honor system works, it just cost a bit more to be a part of it!

Monday, September 11, 2006

that sinking feeling

never did i think that it could happen while i was in florida....

i was always assured by the fact that there were not supposed to be earthquakes in florida especially given my sorted past with them...

i spent a few of my formative years growing up outside los angeles, where earthquakes were quite common and the drills at school were even more frequent. hiding under desks and in doorways seemed like a game, but i think there came a time where the drills and actual earthquake experiences began to terrify me.

i recall waking in the middle of the night and thinking it safer to sleep in my doorway, in case the earthquake happened at night. i also remember starring at the walls as i started to dose off to sleep to make sure that nothing moved.

i also remember thinking that infamous child's folk lore that california was going to break off the US and become its own island or worse yet....sink into the sea

i have to say that my only fond memory of the earthquake childhood nightmares is the night where i made a mad dash to hide under the dining room table...as i swore that i felt an earthquake at 12:30 in the morning.....but to my surprise, there was no earthquake, instead I found a missing mother and father and a family friend sitting at the dining room table waiting for the phone call from the hospital and the announcement of my baby sisters arrival ( a force to rival any natural disaster)

so on this eve of the second earthquake this century in florida, i remember back and to that sinking feeling and that moment when the earths little quakes were no longer as important as know whether my mom and new sister were safe and sound.