Tuesday, May 30, 2006

how does one become a nester?

in a recent email, the question was possed by a fellow nester....."why is it that we seem to be moving all the time but at the same time we are such nesters?"

in one maybe not so simple realization....it is migration......ever bird has to move from one climate to another right? they have to abandon what they have built up to find somewhere more sunny, warm and inviting.....usually leaving the last nest to build a new one

but how does one become a nester....is it in all female dna, that this trait is engrained? or is it the idea of conspicuous consumption- that we must collect objects to have worth? or does stuff equal stability and a place of belonging?

i think of this all, as i face the actual, all too real plans of my move west....the current plan is to sell as much as i can and go to los angeles with what can fit in and on the roof of my car.....leaving a few items behind at the family homestead to fetch once i find a place to live.

a few months ago, this idea wasn't even something that i would consider, hence the majority of my household sitting in storage for the past 5 months- but once you are away from your "Things" -it is easier to let them go......we'll see how easy it is when i am face to face with them again.

so this nester is getting ready to do a little spring cleaning before abandoning one nest, in hopes that the climate on the other side of the country will make for happy inhabititing

Thursday, May 18, 2006

and the current count

as of today there have been

1,191 visitors to this humble little jotted down thoughts site

as of today there are

136 thoughts that i have jotted down

...hope to add some more digits to both those columns as the months and prep for my next move across the country start to develop

blue rubber ball bouncing

this morning as i drove across the mall parking lot to got to work, my path was intersected by a small blue rubber ball rolling across that parking lot.

where did it come from? where was it going? and where had it been?

as i drove past the traveling oddity, it seemed to make its way to the drainage grate in the middle of the road....maybe only to be swept off to the water treatment plant or the ocean....

either way, i am sure that ball has as many adventures ahead of it as it has had behind it and maybe some day we will cross paths again

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

have i ?

i feel as if i have regressed....not that i have regret, well maybe i do...but that i have regressed...

that i was on a path and took a detour and somehow got lost....but not really lost, cause i know if i keep heading parallel to what my original path was, there should be a crossroad somewhere soon that will get me back to where i need to be....

but where the f&*k is the cross road.....i have become impatient and am ready to get back on track....


i hate feeling this way- makes me nuts, as if this rambling wasn't enough of a clue to that!

Monday, May 01, 2006

goodbye to the purple machine

tonight i bid a fond farewell to my well loved and well traveled mini van

yes, the days of playing soccer mom in the mini are over...not that i had any kids to fill the soccer mom mini, but what i lacked in children i made up for in general junk

the mini reached its 169,434 mile before creeping its way into the new car dealer lot, shuttering a little as the transmission was telling me....(i'm going any time now)...putt putt putt

and in a final effort to put her best wheel forward, her trade in value of one grand made it possible for me to actually afford a new car without selling all my other worldy and not so worldly possession

so off to the land of used cars she goes, after a countless number of eastern seaboard trips and several side trips west to ohio....my little eggplant served me well, she will be missed and remembered fondly......