Tuesday, September 27, 2005

the american master bathroom

yesterday, as i was "forced" into taking my first outdoor shower because of a plumbing problem...our prop person from thailand had to take her shower in the main house.

when she came back from her trip to the main house, she was very amused and amazed by the fact that the bathroom that she showered in was attached to a bedroom...that someone had a bathroom right in their bedroom....

i dismissed her amazement at first, but then realized...duuuuhhhhhh....maybe this is something that she has never seen before....so i asked "is that your first time in an american suburban home" and she said yes...she had never seen a bedroom with a bathroom included.

i explained the idea of the "master bedroom", which i realize must be a very western convention in housing plans and something that is not in the older apartments that we are used to living in in NYC.

yet another thing that i unwittingly assumed was universal, but obviously is not...sometimes i surprise myself with the way that i generally think that everyday things in a western society are true all over the world...


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